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Walter R. Tucker, III

Gal 5:17  For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 

My Child,

Inside of you and every one of my children there is a fight going on daily. Your flesh is fighting against My Spirit, who is now in you. Your flesh, under the control of Satan, was running your life before you got born again of the Spirit. But now, it is My Spirit in you that desires to rule. In the middle of this fight between the Spirit and the flesh is your mind and at the center of your mind is your will. You get to decide, as a matter of your will, what you will or will not do. What is the deciding factor? It is which part of you you are feeding the most. If you give way to the flesh and gladly feed it more for pornography, profanity, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, fast food, alcohol, drugs, and smoking, the more lust and power the flesh will have over you. Not surprisingly, you will find it more difficult to walk in the Spirit. However, if you keep the Spirit on a steady diet of the Word, study, meditation, prayer, fasting, and Godly fellowships, the more power and victory you will have over fleshly lusts! 

PRAYER: Father, I thank You that while You have not removed the lust of my flesh in this life, You have given me the secret to overcoming its power. I decree and declare that I will starve my flesh and feed the Spirit and reap the fruit of righteousness and peace in Jesus' name. Amen!

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