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Walter R. Tucker, III

2Ti 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 

My Child,

Throughout my Word I have made thousands of promises to you. When you look at your life, you are prone to ask, "What's wrong! Why hasn't this happened yet? Why haven't You blessed me with this or that yet?" Well, when things you are believing for have not manifested yet, there are generally two reasons for the delay. First, in my infinite wisdom, I know that you are not ready for it yet. Second, someone is not doing what they should be doing and that someone is not Me. I am the Lord and I don't change. I am always faithful and I am always perfect and holy. If there is some change that is needed by someone, in character, in thinking, in speaking, in believing, that someone is you. Don't look to Me and ask me to change. Seek Me and ask Me where do you need to change. In what way can and should you make an adjustment that will open the floodgates of grace upon your life? Remember, it's not Me but you who is holding up your blessing. Change!

THE PRAYER: Father, I thank You for setting me straight by reminding me that I am the one holding up your blessing, not You. It is me and not You who needs to change and I ask that You forgive me as I turn from my pride and disobedience to think what You want me to think and do what You want me to do, in Jesus’ name, Amen!



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