Mat 13:44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
My Child,
How incredible it is for you to recognize and understand that you are my greatest treasure. Not the universe, not the galaxies, and all their glory, not all the material wealth in the world! My greatest treasure is you! I wanted to have you so much that I sent my only Son to suffer, bleed and die for you! That was the only way that I could buy you back from the one who had kidnapped you. I had the ransom payment and I was willing to pay the ransom through my Son, Jesus! No amount was too great because I knew what I was getting. I was getting my child back into my family. I was recovering the beat of my heart, the apple of my eye which was lost and separated from Me--the loving Father. So, please open your heart and mind and see this truth. Once you see it, it changes everything. Your past, your abduction, your pain does not define you. The price I paid to restore you defines your value and your future. Embrace my grace and know that you are great to Me.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for helping me to understand that I am your greatest treasure! Not the universe, the galaxies, precious gems or metals. Because You sent Jesus to give everything for me, I will honor You by giving everything for You and him, and trust You to always keep me, your greatest treasure, valued and safe, in Jesus’ name!