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Walter R. Tucker, III

Rom 5:20 ...But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. 

My Child,

On the one hand, you are now perfectly forgiven. On the other hand, you are still imperfect. Your spirit was born again, not your flesh. Therefore, because of the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, you can sin and sometimes do sin. But, never forget that my grace is so much greater than all your mistakes! The only thing that will keep you from your destiny is a full-throated and clear-cut rejection of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you will make mistakes, missteps, and sometimes even a mess of things along your Christian journey, but don't be dismayed because the plans, purpose, and providence I have for your life are so much greater than your imperfections. I spoke over your life and declared that you would have a good life and a flourishing finish and my will shall be done! So, don't get down on yourself, on life, on the bad actions of yesterday, or the poor judgment of today. My unlimited and unsurpassed love for you will not let you fail!

PRAYER: Father, I thank You that your love, your mercy, and your forgiveness are greater than any failings I have. Therefore, I will rejoice and claim victory because You will carry me over the finish line despite my shortcomings, in Jesus' name. Amen!

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