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Walter R. Tucker, III

1Co 15:58  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord...

My Child,

You know that because of the perfect, blood sacrifice of my Son, Jesus, you are now under a covenant of grace and not under the law. However, while you were not saved by works, you were saved to do good works. Don't fall into the trap of believing that you have arrived and that you can be on cruise control until it is your time to transition to Heaven. I have left you in the earth to do good works. Therefore, don't be lazy, don't be complacent, and don't rest on your blessed assurance without the proof of good works. Your good works are not only proof that you are saved, but they please Me and cause me to pour out more grace on you. Your good works should not only include witnessing to the lost and serving in the church, but they should also include you being a good steward over everything I have graced you to possess. Do the good work of keeping a clean house, car, and business. In short, keep working at doing good works until I call you home. 

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for your Son, Jesus Christ, who rendered the ultimate good work for me on the Cross at Calvary. Grace me to honor his sacrifice by doing my part. I will keep doing good works in and outside of the House of God and glorify You, Father, in Jesus' name...Amen!



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