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Walter R. Tucker, III

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

Eph 4:16 As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, growing, and full of love. 


My Child,


The Apostle Paul gave the best example of a local church. He called it a body of believers. Like a human body, each part has its particular function. No part is more important than any other part because it takes all the parts working together to keep the body healthy, growing, and blessed. Your part, your share, is very important to your local church. If you are absent, or not serving, it's like a part of your body that is missing and shuts down. You wouldn't want your heart, kidneys, or brain to stop doing its part, now would you? It would prove disastrous. So, take heed to what I'm saying. Your local church, the local body of Christ, needs your help. It needs your time, your talents, and your treasure. Without it, your local church suffers and so does my Kingdom.  No one who loves his body withholds good from it. Neither should withhold good from Me and the local body of which you are a part. If everyone did their part, no one would suffer lack. Come on, do your part!


PRAYER: Father, please forgive me for times when my local church has been deficient because I didn't attend service, offer my gifts and talents to help, or pay my tithes and give liberal offerings. I vow to do better going forward. I pledge to please You Father by doing my part, in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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