Our Mission is The Great Commission
(Mat 28:18-20)
to spread the Gospel (Good News) of the sin sacrifice, resurrection, and Lordship of Jesus Christ to all people in all the earth.
Our Method is to conform to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29) through the power of His Word and His Spirit.
Our Motivation is the love of God in Christ Jesus which compels us to live for Christ and give to others (II Cor 5:14).
In addition to spreading the Gospel, we are compelled to please our Father by:
Teaching the Truth and showing the love of Christ; training leaders for Christ who can train others
Providing a place of Safety for all to come, be made free, and grow in the truth
Providing a place of Victory for all to come, and glean from the example and teachings of modern-day overcomers in Christ so they too can be victors and not victims
Providing a place of True Prosperity for all to come, and learn about the True Priorities of the Born Again Believer in God’s Kingdom
Feeding the poor and hungry
Clothing the naked and needy
Providing spiritual and natural resources for the hurting and helpless