After spending nine years in Chicago, pastoring a church for From the Heart Church Ministries, in 2012 Walter and Robin Tucker returned home to Carson, California. On December 7th of that year, they fulfilled a life-long dream by founding (incorporating) Truth and Love Christian Church (“TLCC”) – the only two members of the church being Pastor and Mrs. Tucker. TLCC was patterned after the biblical church at Ephesus, which the Apostle Paul exhorted to teach the truth in love.
With just enough money to rent “The Clubhouse” in Dominguez Hills Village, Carson, California where they lived, the Tuckers held Truth and Love’s first church service on December 9, 2012. The next three Sunday services were held in the “Community Room” of Anderson Park in Carson.
The Spirit instructed Pastor Tucker to not have anyone join the church for the first 30 days, to give interested persons time to hear the vision of the church and make sure Truth and Love Christian Church was the will of God concerning them.
At its first Sunday Service of the New Year, on January 6, 2013, at the Doubletree Hotel in Carson, California, 78 people joined the church. After holding its Sunday Services and Wednesday Bible Studies at the Doubletree Hotel for several months, on July 7, 2013, TLCC
leased three warehouse units at 1129 E. Dominguez Street, Carson, California, and converted them into a church facility.
Truth and Love Christian Church currently has over 300 members, and 40 ministries in operation. Pastors Walter and Robin Tucker have been called to help saints overcome their past and enjoy “daily victorious living” through his teachings on “True Prosperity.” God has also graced them to train and equip ministers and church leaders to fulfill their destiny in Christ, carry out the purpose of God, and be a part of effecting a Great Harvest of souls in these End Times.